Thursday, January 21, 2010

Toledo Family Babies Shower

This past Saturday one of my dear sister’s hosted a wonderful shower for her soon-to-be niece and nephew. Many family members and friends were in attendance. After eating a wonderful lunch of soup and salad the party moved to the living room to play a few games. The games included who can measure the soon-to-be Mom’s waist the closest. The winner was Aunt Candy who just barely beat out Aunt Nancy and in last place was Uncle Gregg who was a good 2 feet off. (Good thing he doesn’t have to measure anything at work….oh, wait a minute Dad, you better doublecheck that last window and cabinet order).

Another favorite game was the diaper game where everyone had to guess what the baby ate to produce such a disgusting diaper. A picture says a thousand words:

The babies received many wonderful gifts from some too generous friends and relatives. Their little wardrobes have grown exponentially.

I can't wait to dress them in all the new outfits!!!

See more pictures at the following link:

Also, if you know of any other shower pictures circulating around or sitting on a memory card please forward me a link or a few pictures to add to the blog.

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