Thursday, January 21, 2010

3 Hour Glucose Test

Monday (Martin Luther King Day) also known as a company holiday I spent the majority of the day at the testing center. I arrived at 9:30am sharp (after fasting all morning) and had my blood drawn at 9:50am. I was given the fabulous orange drink, but this time it was double the strength of the test before and I had half the time to drink it (5 minutes). Then I sat in the waiting room and read the latest Danielle Steele novel (Southern Lights - save your money ladies, it was not up to par with her usual romance novels).
I subsequently had to have my blood taken again at 10:50, 11:50 and 12:50 . My arm looked like I was a druggy with all those needle marks. By 12:50 the kiddies and I were starving after not eating for so long. So, we stopped at Taco Bell which was a few doors down from the testing center on the way home and ate a burrito before we even had time to leave the parking lot. After arrriving home, we fell asleep until dinner time…….not a good sign at all, and I was pretty sure we failed again, but.....

The doctor called yesterday and we passed all four blood tests with flying colors!!!! Yeah!!!

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