Tuesday, January 12, 2010

First Bad Report Card!

At our last appointment I was sent home with the dreaded orange drink to take home. For all of you that don’t know what the dreaded orange drink is, it is a glucose substance that you have to drink and then have your blood drawn to test you blood sugar levels and determine if you have gestational diabetes. We were told that I should take my blood sugar test sometime before our next appointment (which is tomorrow). So, this past Saturday I finally bit the bullet and drank the orange drink. It wasn’t so bad, kind of like flat orange soda, but then it just sits in your stomach, and you feel like you’re a kid (or an adult) who just ate way too much Halloween candy. After I finished the wonderful orange tonic Jeff drove us to the testing center and I had my blood drawn. We thought all went well until we arrived home last night to a blinking light on the answering machine with an ominous message from the doctor’s office wanting to discuss my bloodwork….

I called bright and early this morning, and my results were less than stellar. It appears you can’t cram for blood tests like you can for exams in college. Who knew? First, I failed the blood sugar test. The acceptable grade to receive a grade of a D- ore better would have been a 130. I scored a 167 which =F. Thank goodness they give you a make-up exam. I also had my thyroid level tested (as I have had Hypothyroidism since my high school days), and the individuals who have taken up residence in my body started turning my Hypothyroidism into Hyperthyroidism about 6 months ago. I scored a big fat .28 on that test. The acceptable range is .5 to 5.0 ( huge range) so I have now gone back to having too low levels instead of too high levels. Finally, I was given the results of my iron levels in my blood. I didn’t even know I took this exam. My iron levels are a little low causing me to be anemic, so once again, the twins and I were given a big fat F!

All these are common in pregnancy especially with multiples. Stay tuned to see what the doctor recommends at tomorrow's appointment and to see if the kids get their grades up anytime soon.


  1. God, the kids haven't even arrived yet and they are going to have to go to summer school!!! Tell them to study harder and eat their fruits and veggies to get those grades up. Tell them we don't want any slackers!!!

  2. Don't worry sis....I think the crappy grade in the iron test runs in the family...I had it with Ethan and Tyler. As for the rest of the tests...you are on your own there...my kids aced those ones!!
