Thursday, March 18, 2010

Still Pregnant!

Yes, many of you have called or e-mailed in the past week to check on our progress. We are still pregnant and have done everything we can think of to prepare for the arrival (except decided on names). We've set up the nursery and both cribs, placed the baby tub in the bathtub, washed the first load of baby clothes and bedding (including the crib mattress pads which FYI melt in the dryer), bought a new car...

installed the car seats, and even sold my sports car...

We have about 20,000 diaper wipes, 55 bottles, and 500 diapers on hand. And yet they still have not arrived!!!
Many of you have also asked how I am feeling. All I can say is that everything I do is uncomfortable. It hurts to breathe, eating is bland as I try to avoid sodium and sugar, getting a full nights sleep is out of the question. Our next doctor's appointment is Monday. Hopefully the doctor will want to discuss possible eviction procedures with me!!

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