Wednesday, March 10, 2010

34 Week Appointments

Ob/gyn appointment
We hobbled into our ob/gyn appointment this past Tuesday. I say hobbled due to the fact that I have no feet or ankles anymore...just tree trunks supporting myself and two little ones. It is a site to see!
The first thing they have you do at the appointment is get weighed. I am not going to disclose any total weight gain here or anything, but since my 32 week appointment (2 weeks ago), I gained 12 lbs! Oh my goodness, I could hardly believe it. I mean seriously, how can this happen?
After that shocking news, the doctor examined me and discovered that I am dilated 2cm. Which means we are on our way!! She was not concerned about my tree trunks and said that everything else looked great and to just take it one day at a time. So, we continue to wait.....

Perinatologist Appointment
Today, I visited the perinatologist for an ultrasound. The babies are packed in there like sardines, so it was pretty difficult to get any good pictures, but they seem to still be moving and growing and doing quite well. Speaking of growing, I inquired as to the current estimates for the weights of each baby due to my recent extreme weight gain. The baby girl currently weighs 4 lbs 13oz and the baby boy weighs 5lbs 10oz for a grand total of 10lbs 10oz of baby. Holy cow! When people say "They grow up so fast," they are not joking!! Next appointment is March 18th..... if we make it that much longer.

1 comment:

  1. Per Tyler, if you just push a little bit on their cheeks right "when they come out" you have dimples. Sounds pretty simple to me.
