Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Glider and Crib....Nursery in Progress!!

Jeff and I visited a few stores around Thanksgiving in search of furniture for the nursery. We soon realized how two of everything can take up major space and also can be a bit costly. The first store we visited was called Room to Grow. They had a wonderful selection of beautiful furniture, but the prices were a little bit more than we wanted to spend on everything. Before we left the store, we entered a drawing being held raffling off a crib. Our next stops (not including the mutiple bathroom breaks and a trip to the mall food court) included Babies'r'Us and Burlington Coat Factory Baby Depot, but alas we returned home tired and empty handed.

The next day though, I was searching around on craigslist looking for a bargain (must be in my genes) and found a woman who was selling a beautiful upholstered rocker/glider and ottoman. We quickly set-up an appointment to see what would soon be our first baby purchase. The rocker/glider was in almost new condition and a butter yellow color. We snatched it up quickly and drove it home before the seller could change her mind. The glider and ottoman have been sitting alone in the nursery until recently....

Remember that drawing we entered (in the first paragraph) well whad'ya know, I received a call from the store saying that our name had been drawn and we were the lucky winners of a top of the line crib! We were so excited. Jeff left work early the day after we received the call so that he could pick up the crib. See pictures below of Jeff and Kramer assembling our beautiful new crib. Now if we could only win another matching one......

Assembly Begins

Confusion Sets In

Time to Read the Directions

The Final Product

Relaxing on the Glider

December 22, 2009 Appointment

We had out latest appointment today. My blood pressure, protein test, and weight gain are right on target. We did not have an ultrasound today (next one scheduled for January 13th, 2010), but we did hear the heartbeats. The little boy is positioned low on my left side while the little girl is positioned high on my right side right under my ribs. These positions make sleeping on either side (sleeping on back or stomach is already a no go) not the most comfortable thing in the world. So overall the family received an A grade for our appointment today. The next one on January 13th includes an ultrasound and the results of the glucose test (testing for gestational diabetes).

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Team Blue and Team Pink!!!!!!!!!

Today was the bid ultrasound day. We were going to learn if our little ones were boys or girls. Thw technician started the ultrasound with Baby A. Baby A knew it was his time to shine and was not modest at all. He gave the technician a nice look at the goods. She was able to say without hestitation that, "Baby A is a Boy!" She then moved the ultrasound wand to Baby B who was not too sure about the situation. She proceeded to start hiding from the technician. The technician moved the wand back to Baby A and measured his head, heart, bladder, legs, arms, etc. After about 30 minutes the ultrasound technician went back to Baby B. Baby B was still jumping around and would not easily allow the technician to see anything nor measure anything. Every measurement became a challenge for the technician. Finally, she guessed that she "Looks pretty girly." She was not sure though and called in another technician. With both technicians squinting at the ultrasound machine, they determined after a few minutes that Baby B was indeed a girl.

After the ultrasound we met with the doctor who said that each baby currently weighs 11oz and everything looks great. I also received a H1N1 shot at the doctor's appointment. Next appointment is a couple days before Christmas.

Thank you for all yout voting and your support. We will be taking any and all name suggestions now in the comments section of this post. We can't wait to hear your suggestions!

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Starting to show

I felt it was my responsibility to also contribute to the blog and provide you all with another update on the children. I snuck the picture below while Jennifer was cooking dinner. You can clearly see that the children are growing - and at a rapid pace as Jennifer’s Bengal’s jersey is starting to fit a bit snug. With another win today, the Bengal’s playoff chances improve - which unfortunately for the Jersey, could mean a longer season than usual. I’ll try to provide another update soon as long as my camera is still working. -Jeff

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

15 Week Appointment

October 29, 2009

The little ones are doing great according to the doctor and the ultrasound technician. They are positioned one on top of each other as you can see in one of the pictures below. Each baby is approximately 4 inches long and everything looks great with each of them! The ultrasound technician determined that they are each in their own placenta so they are most likely not identical twins. The doctor said today that they will not let us deliver beyond the 38 week point which is April 7, 2009 so there is a chance that the babies may be born on either their grandfather or great-grandfather’s birthday as previously requested.

Telling the Family
October 10, 2009

This weekend we began spreading the news to the family. Let's just say everyone was very excited and very surprised. Below are some of the memorable comments:

Grampa Jeff: "I'm glad I was sitting down. I need to pour myself a scotch."

Grampa Gary: "When it rains it pours!"

Uncle Ryan: "I am still in shock....can you believe it?"

Gramma Linda: "Is this one of your buy one get one free deals?"

Gramma Janie: "Still has her mouth wide open in disbelief"

Great Gramma George and Jean: "Yes, twins run in the family. We haven't had any in the family for a few generations. We are probably due some soon." (Information that may have been helpful previously.)

On October 8, 2009

At 8am we went to the ob/gyn for our 12 week check-up appointment. We were very excited because at this appointment we would be able to listen to our baby's heartbeat for the very first time. After this appointment we were going to begin to tell our family that we would be adding ONE person to our family.......or so we thought!

Our appointment was going as planned that day. We were called by the frontdesk to go back to the examination room. Before we entered the examination room I had to take care of a few routine things such as being weighed by one of the assistants. We were placed in the examination room which just also happened to be the ultrasound room. The doctor entered the room and began discussing how the pregnancy was going. She also inquired as to what I had been eating recently because the scale read that I had gained 8 pounds in the past month....Ooops.

After the lecture concerning proper diet concluded the doctor placed the doppler on my stomach and we heard a loud and strong heartbeat. We listened to the heartbeat for a minute or two and then the doctor said "So it seems you are in the one and only examiniation room with the ultrasound machine. Would you like to get a sneak peak of your little ONE?" Jeff and I replied "Yes."

So, with the monitor facing Jeff, the doctor turned on the ultrasound machine. All of a sudden, I heard, " You've got to be kidding me!" and I turned to Jeff whose mouth was hanging open in disbelief, and then I turned to the doctor who flipped off the monitor. She then said, "Well it looks like we have a surprise for you two." Apparently, I was the only one in the room who did not know what we were talking about. The doctor flipped on the machine again and showed us two little blobs with heartbeats. She said "Looks like you are having twins!" After that I don't really remember too much of what was said. The doctor scheduled an official ultrasound for the next day (see pictures below) and we both left the doctor's office with a whole new found respect for how life can change in a heartbeat.