Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Team Blue and Team Pink!!!!!!!!!

Today was the bid ultrasound day. We were going to learn if our little ones were boys or girls. Thw technician started the ultrasound with Baby A. Baby A knew it was his time to shine and was not modest at all. He gave the technician a nice look at the goods. She was able to say without hestitation that, "Baby A is a Boy!" She then moved the ultrasound wand to Baby B who was not too sure about the situation. She proceeded to start hiding from the technician. The technician moved the wand back to Baby A and measured his head, heart, bladder, legs, arms, etc. After about 30 minutes the ultrasound technician went back to Baby B. Baby B was still jumping around and would not easily allow the technician to see anything nor measure anything. Every measurement became a challenge for the technician. Finally, she guessed that she "Looks pretty girly." She was not sure though and called in another technician. With both technicians squinting at the ultrasound machine, they determined after a few minutes that Baby B was indeed a girl.

After the ultrasound we met with the doctor who said that each baby currently weighs 11oz and everything looks great. I also received a H1N1 shot at the doctor's appointment. Next appointment is a couple days before Christmas.

Thank you for all yout voting and your support. We will be taking any and all name suggestions now in the comments section of this post. We can't wait to hear your suggestions!

1 comment:

  1. Hi, Jenny & Jeff: I voted for two girls, but am happy that there's going to be at least one! Your father picked out some names for the little ones yesterday....The girl should be called Mercedes and the boy Benz!! LOL Everyone who was over for Thanksgiving dinner also decided that you should cross the name Linda off your list since we already have alot of Linda's in the family now!! :0) Your Grandma Snyder proposed the name Chauncy since that was what she was going to name your Father!!!! (Insert eyes bugging out emoticon here) Thank goodness she changed her mind and went with Jeffrey....which is a name we already have two of in the family now, so maybe you ought to cross Jeffrey Junior and Jenny Junior off your list! :0) We're all thrilled to hear that the babies are doing well...enjoy eating for three for the next few months!! Love you both, Linda D. Urbanski :0)
