Wednesday, October 28, 2009

15 Week Appointment

October 29, 2009

The little ones are doing great according to the doctor and the ultrasound technician. They are positioned one on top of each other as you can see in one of the pictures below. Each baby is approximately 4 inches long and everything looks great with each of them! The ultrasound technician determined that they are each in their own placenta so they are most likely not identical twins. The doctor said today that they will not let us deliver beyond the 38 week point which is April 7, 2009 so there is a chance that the babies may be born on either their grandfather or great-grandfather’s birthday as previously requested.

Telling the Family
October 10, 2009

This weekend we began spreading the news to the family. Let's just say everyone was very excited and very surprised. Below are some of the memorable comments:

Grampa Jeff: "I'm glad I was sitting down. I need to pour myself a scotch."

Grampa Gary: "When it rains it pours!"

Uncle Ryan: "I am still in shock....can you believe it?"

Gramma Linda: "Is this one of your buy one get one free deals?"

Gramma Janie: "Still has her mouth wide open in disbelief"

Great Gramma George and Jean: "Yes, twins run in the family. We haven't had any in the family for a few generations. We are probably due some soon." (Information that may have been helpful previously.)

On October 8, 2009

At 8am we went to the ob/gyn for our 12 week check-up appointment. We were very excited because at this appointment we would be able to listen to our baby's heartbeat for the very first time. After this appointment we were going to begin to tell our family that we would be adding ONE person to our family.......or so we thought!

Our appointment was going as planned that day. We were called by the frontdesk to go back to the examination room. Before we entered the examination room I had to take care of a few routine things such as being weighed by one of the assistants. We were placed in the examination room which just also happened to be the ultrasound room. The doctor entered the room and began discussing how the pregnancy was going. She also inquired as to what I had been eating recently because the scale read that I had gained 8 pounds in the past month....Ooops.

After the lecture concerning proper diet concluded the doctor placed the doppler on my stomach and we heard a loud and strong heartbeat. We listened to the heartbeat for a minute or two and then the doctor said "So it seems you are in the one and only examiniation room with the ultrasound machine. Would you like to get a sneak peak of your little ONE?" Jeff and I replied "Yes."

So, with the monitor facing Jeff, the doctor turned on the ultrasound machine. All of a sudden, I heard, " You've got to be kidding me!" and I turned to Jeff whose mouth was hanging open in disbelief, and then I turned to the doctor who flipped off the monitor. She then said, "Well it looks like we have a surprise for you two." Apparently, I was the only one in the room who did not know what we were talking about. The doctor flipped on the machine again and showed us two little blobs with heartbeats. She said "Looks like you are having twins!" After that I don't really remember too much of what was said. The doctor scheduled an official ultrasound for the next day (see pictures below) and we both left the doctor's office with a whole new found respect for how life can change in a heartbeat.


  1. I have an idea for names. The ultrasound clearly shows that your going to have 2 boy's. I think they should be named after their Great Uncle!!! Therefore I vote you name them Gregg and Gregory!!!!!!!!!!! Don't let me down by naming them something like Brad, Chad, Brian. Remember I have a King and a Pope named after me!!! Yor favorite Uncle!!!

  2. Don't forget how Aunt Jayme found out: Ethan was being watched by Uncle Chris the morning after the news was announced to us. He told Unlce Chris that Aunt Jenny was having "lots of babies"! Chris took this news and quickly emailed Jayme, not knowing if he should or not. Jayme then emailed me (Jill) inquiring if there was any truth to my son's statement. So, I had to call Jenny and tell her to confirm the news via email to Jayme, as she was in Brazil. Gotta love kids. ---oh, and here's a great one for you Jen....I went to the grocery store yesterday with the kids and prior to entering the store, I told them to be, when we were leaving the store with one shoe covered in barbeque sauce, one kid crying and none of the groceries that were on my list, I had to pause and tell myself, "soon, very soon, one of my sisters will feel my pain". - Love ya!

  3. This is very sweet, and so informative! Leave it to you to come up with such a sophisticated communication. Love you both and those tiny little babies too.
    Aunt Kathy

  4. I go along with the "Great Uncle" theme. I think the name Ron or Mason would be great names for the boy or boys.

    Jeff's Uncle

    Ron Mason

  5. Unfortunately for you gentlemen the babies will be girls appropriately named Janie and Linda. Nice try though..........

  6. “In North America, twin’s occurs about once in 83 conceptions,”
    “In Ohio 32.1 out of 1000” It took Jean and I two years to get one
    of each! For you one try. That’s like buy one get one free. To top it
    off 2 quick tax deductions and the fun Jen will have offering to buy
    2 at her price!! GGP george

  7. Name that child!
    Being from a family of J’s is only one problem. Agreement between the 2 doing it tough!
    Turning down others suggestions difficult. Not having them on the Birth Certificates creates
    the question which baby is Wilhite one? The 4 or 6 ponder? Names go in a 10 year cycle.
    So what s popular today will again be in ten years. This may? Stop your 10 year old from
    saying I don’t like my name. Odd names always create havoc. Best example is Sarah Palin’s
    son. He didn’t like the name Track and preferred Colt. I rest my case. I have no intention of
    suggesting George & Georgeianna, however……….GGP george
