Tuesday, February 23, 2010

We're Experts Now!

We attended our Baby Safety Class today. It was pretty enlightening. Each couple was given a baby (doll - not real baby). We were given two babies and the couple behind us who are expecting triplets was given 3 baby dolls. We were told that someone had to be holding the babies at all times until class ended. We also practiced diapering, swaddling, dressing, and placing the babies in car seats properly. It was a pretty good course overall. I wish I had brought my camera though so that you could determine who had the best swaddle and best diaper change between Jeff and I.

In other news, tonight we have our baby safety class (reschedule from before due to snow). Also, the doctor today said that everything looks great, and she is expecting that the babies will be born between 35 to 36 weeks. Next appointments are: Birth Class March 6th (rescheduled due to snow) Ob/gyn March 9th and March 10th perinatologist ultrasound.

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