Tuesday, February 23, 2010

We're Experts Now!

We attended our Baby Safety Class today. It was pretty enlightening. Each couple was given a baby (doll - not real baby). We were given two babies and the couple behind us who are expecting triplets was given 3 baby dolls. We were told that someone had to be holding the babies at all times until class ended. We also practiced diapering, swaddling, dressing, and placing the babies in car seats properly. It was a pretty good course overall. I wish I had brought my camera though so that you could determine who had the best swaddle and best diaper change between Jeff and I.

In other news, tonight we have our baby safety class (reschedule from before due to snow). Also, the doctor today said that everything looks great, and she is expecting that the babies will be born between 35 to 36 weeks. Next appointments are: Birth Class March 6th (rescheduled due to snow) Ob/gyn March 9th and March 10th perinatologist ultrasound.

Hospital Tour

I was so excited yesterday. Our hospital tour was not canceled!! So, far our birthing class and baby safety class were both canceled and rescheduled in the past couple of weeks due to the snow here causing us to feel a little unprepared. So, when our multiples hospital tour was still a go, I was elated. First thing we learned is that we hope that I do not go into labor during rush hour. The hospital (called Good Samaritan http://www.trihealth.com ) is only a few miles from downtown, but the traffic is horrendous during rush hour. It ended up taking us 30 minutes to get to the hospital when usually it takes us about 5-7 minutes to get to the medical building (attached to the hospital where the obstetrician appointments are located).

The tour was specialized for parents expecting multiples and there were a few other couples on the tour with us including women who were already wheelchair bound. (Jeff was laughing and pointing at them.) Stops on tour included delivery room (for normal people, not special people like us who will deliver in the operating room…sounds comfy right) the recovery rooms, postpartum rooms, nursery, and NICU. We learned that so far the hospital has delivered over 550 babies this year (average 11 a day) including 21 sets of multiples. We also learned alot about the logistics of the delivery process and what area of the hospital mom and babies will be and when. For instance, we learned the hospital is a level III NICU http://www.trihealth.com/whe/mat/mat_Neonatal_Intensive_Care.aspx?id= and that if one or both of them are in the NICU then they would not be in the room with us, and visitors would be limited in number and time and would need one of us present in order to access the NICU. If the babies are delivered before 34 weeks (March 10th) they will definitely be admitted to the NICU at least for a little while for observation. We also learned that the majority of the postpartum rooms are tiny so if you plan on visiting, it may be standing room only. The tourguide did mention that there are about 10 rooms that have two beds and usually they like to put the multiple families in those rooms due to the room needed for both babies. So, we are hoping that these kiddies are our ticket to some upgraded accommodations.

If you intend to visit our new family at the hospital here is some relevant information that we learned last night. I figure that I will share this information with all of you now to eliminate calls and questions later and as I will probably forget all the information by tomorrow.
Due to flu season at this time no visitors under the age of 14 are allowed.
Visitors should park in the visitors parking garage attached to the hospital. I would recommend parking by either red or blue elevators depending on what postpartum floor we are placed in (most likely 13th ). Use the red elevators to go to floor 13 and the blue elevators to go to floor 7. The parking garage is free even though it has a ticket taker machine and the black/white flags down.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Wilhite Family Shower

Jeff's family hosted a shower for the babies this past weekend. Many relatives attended traveling from as far away as Columbus and Toledo in the snow. The guests dined on a fabulous spread of food including Aunt Terri's famous punch and yummy cupcakes (both blue and pink). After a few games and socializng, our relatives again were so generous and showered the soon-to-be kiddies with gifts galore. They are so lucky to be loved already by so many!!

If you have any pictures from this event, please e-mail me a few to add to this blog. I better hurry up and finish this post now....Jeff is trying to assemble the carseats and stroller...there have been a few four letter words already....and an "Oops I don't think that piece was important."