Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Two Months Old Update

Time flies….Cooper and Charlotte are already two months old. Both babies are sleeping in approximately 4 hour increments as of now. Hopefully by the 3 month update we will be sleeping for longer than that. The children are becoming more active each day. Cooper loves playing on his activity mat, while Charlotte thinks it’s stupid. Charlotte’s favorite activity is practicing standing which makes us believe that she will be mobile before we know it.
We visited the pediatrician yesterday and were given the following stats for each baby:
Cooper: 9lbs 12oz (10% percentile), 1 ft 9.5 inches (6% percentile), 15 inch head circumference (12% percentile).
Charlotte: 8lbs 13 oz (7% percentile), 1 ft 8.25 inches (1% percentile), 14.5 inch head circumference (7% percentile).

Here are pictures of them at 2 months in their Bumbo seats: