Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Bath Time!

Tonight was bath night. If it's possible, Charlotte seems to dislike bath time even more than Kramer. But she sure seems happy when it's over. Pictures below of Cooper and Charlotte in their new bath towels. They're in bed now with full bellies and should sleep till after midnight.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

First Photo Shoot!

Things are going well!! Kids are eating and doing great. Will write again with more details soon but wanted to share some pictures from their first photo shoot.

Sitting in Dad's favorite chair...

Friday, April 2, 2010

One Week Old

Cooper and Charlotte are already 1 week old. We had our first doctor’s visit (since leaving the hospital) on Monday. Both children are doing great according to the doctor. Cooper has gained almost 1 pound and Charlotte is back to her original birth weight which is great. We have learned a few things about our children already in this week as their personalities start to emerge. For instance, Cooper has a little Houdini in him. He tries to maneuver out of his swaddle any chance he can get. He also is a little jokester. He will let you believe that the coast is clear to remove the baby wipe or pee pee tee pee when you are changing him, and then bam! He creates a fountain that sprays everywhere!

Charlotte on the other hand is the hiccup queen. She just looks at food and she automatically gets these hiccups that shake her whole body and turn into this endearing pitiful little thing. One individual who has not surprised us is big brother Kramer. He is always the vigilant protector of the family and comes running at the slightest sign of crying just to ensure that everything is alright. He loves giving the babies kisses and sleeping outside their bedroom door at night. Here are a couple pictures of them at one week old.

March Madness Results!!

I have tallied the scores from the Wilhite March Madness and am proud to announce the winner is: Great Grandma Jean Hannes with 7 points. She correctly guessed the weight of both babies and the length of Cooper.
Also an honorable mention goes out to Great Uncle Gregg Snyder. He submitted his selections late, but correctly guessed the birth order, length of Cooper and was the only one to select the birth date of March 23rd.
Both individuals should be receiving a present from Cooper and Charlotte in the next few weeks so keep checking your mailboxes!